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"So Glad We Had This TIme Together" Up At Apex

My story, "So Glad We Had This TIme Together," is up on Apex in an issue that includes a lot of really good stuff from Gregory Frost, Sarah Dalton, and Jim C. Hines. I hope you'll check it out!

The story itself was my week six Clarion West story – with "Zeppelin Follies" getting published last year, that means I've only got one story, "I Come From The Dark Universe," left from that batch that hasn't seen the light of publication yet.

So Glad We Had This Time Together

By Cat Rambo

JB: I’m submitting my resignation, effective immediately.
I can hear the distant hum of the building’s heart, the slow steps of a janitor cleaning its chambers with wafts of…

2 Responses

  1. What a fun story. Read it this afternoon thanks to the apex subscription. I loved it. It’s interesting that you’ve had this one around since Clarion. Just out of curiosity, did it sit in a drawer since then, or have you been submitting around in the meantime?

    1. I’d stuck it aside, meaning to rewrite it, but then one day looked at it and thought, “Well, you know, actually, that doesn’t need much reworking.” It had been to a couple of markets before Apex, but then Lynne asked to see something when she took on the editorship, so I sent it along to her. 🙂

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"(On the writing F&SF workshop) Wanted to crow and say thanks: the first story I wrote after taking your class was my very first sale. Coincidence? nah….thanks so much."

~K. Richardson

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