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Newsletter for February, 2020

News and More Stuff from Chez Rambo

Hello folks!

Well, by now you know my big news, which is that my novelette Carpe Glitter is a Nebula Award nominee. I’m deeply honored to find myself in such fine company and absolutely twitter-pated to find out how many people have enjoyed it. The Nebulas are chosen by other writers who are SFWA members, and that makes this very meaningful to me. I will be at the conference that weekend.

If you’re not a SFWA member, but want some say in whether or not it appears on other ballots, it’s eligible for the Hugo Award and Locus Award in the novelette category and the World Fantasy Award in the novella category. You can see the cool banner that Meerkat Press did for me at the top of this newsletter.

If you’ve read the book and found it fun, please think about giving it a review or posting about it on social media!

Want to hear the first bit of it? Here’s a YouTube video.

In recent class news, I’m in the process of lining up classes for the April-June time frame, but will be taking most of April off due to travel and moving.

One new class I’d like to point you at is How Not to Feel Like a Failure in Your Writing Career with Jennifer Brozek, which talks about dealing with imposter syndrome, guilt, and other writerly frailties.

I’m excited to say Judith Tarr will be giving a workshop on how to write about horses on May 2, 9:30-11:30 AM Pacific time. I’ll post more details as soon as I have the full description but you can go ahead and reserve a slot if you know you’re going to want to attend.

Look for news of more upcoming classes soon – I’m hoping the list will include at least one with Seanan McGuire, plus I’ve got some other rad stuff in the works.

Here’s the complete list of live classes in March at the moment. Classes appearing for the first time are bolded.

Remember that if you can’t make the live classes, there’s plenty of on-demand ones!

Along with chat server access and class discounts, Patreon supporters this month got:
◦    2 installments of serial novella BABY DRIVER, the pulp-y adventures of Patricia Savage and her five associates in 1930s America.
◦    Weekly online co-writing sessions on Wednesday mornings. If you’d like to join the next one, the link will be posted on Patreon and Discord. I will schedule at least one weekend one in March.
◦    A chance to participate in weekly goal-setting and check-in.
◦    Snippets included bits from Flowergod (SF story), The Butterfly Court’s Bathroom (fantasy story), (2) Because It is Bitter (SF near future novella), writing exercises from Fran Wilde’s Fantastic Worldbuilding class.

Want to join us in the Chez Rambo community? Here’s how.

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For Writers and Readers

The January giveaway was for a signed copy of my new novelette, CARPE GLITTER and the winner was Gretchen (I’ve dropped you an email, Gretchen, let me know if you didn’t get it).

This month I have stickers that will be going out to Patreon supporters – if you’d like one, drop me an e-mail with the address to send it to you!

Happy writing!


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Want to get some new fiction? Support my Patreon campaign.


"(On the writing F&SF workshop) Wanted to crow and say thanks: the first story I wrote after taking your class was my very first sale. Coincidence? nah….thanks so much."

~K. Richardson

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Items I Covet

This is a Wonder Woman comic written by Samuel R. Delany. Samuel fricking Delany. In issues 202-203 she abandons her super powers and becomes a super agent. Note the label “The Women’s Lib Issue”. So full of AWESOME I’m surprised it could be scanned without shattering the lenses of every piece of A/V equipment in a five block radius.

Wonder Woman Issue 203
!!!!!! I believe the captive woman is offering up her shelf-like bosom for either WW or the dogs to trampoline on.


Recent News as of June 2014

We just got back from a two week trip to California, which was lovely, and are back to the scramble of getting the condo ready to sell. Painting, hanging blinds, replacing doorknobs, wheee! We hope to hit the road sometime between July 1 and July 15.

If you’re in the Seattle area, I’m part of a group reading at the Wayward Coffee House this Friday evening.

“The Moon and the Mouse” has been accepted to Daily Science Fiction, which “The Ghost-Eater” (a Tabat story) will appear in XIII from Resurrection House. I just finished up the final edits for “Eggs of Stone,” which will appear in next month’s 3-Lobed Burning Eye. (I’m trying to beat last year’s 19 original stories published, and looks like I’ll make it.) In reprint news, “Of Selkies, Disco Balls, and Anna Plane” will appear in Heiresses of Russ 2014, edited by Steve Berman and Melissa Scott

I just sent off a story to the Blackguards anthology, “The Subtler Art.” It’s a short but funny piece set in a city that recently appeared on my internal landscape, and one of the characters appears in “Call and Answer, Plant and Harvest” forthcoming from Beneath Ceaseless Skies as well.


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