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Upcoming Workshops

Picture of a grey cat looking upward from a box. The inside lid reads "Hey good looking". The cat's name is Clark.
The message approved by the Rambo Academy for Wayward Writers marketing department.
I’ve been rearranging the school somewhat, and part of that is a plan to continue doing multi-session classes, rather than a mixed bag of single session ones. Most of these will be on Saturday morning/afternoons, but I will try to mix things up a bit here and there so people in different time zones don’t have to get up at 3 AM.

Right now, I’m teaching my Extended Novel Workshop, aimed at people who have a novel in mind and want to work on preplanning and creating a schedule in which to execute it. We’re on week four of that right now, and today’s session will focus on worldbuilding. I’m really enjoying this workshop, and it’s such a great group of talented people. I can’t wait to read some of these books. So I definitely want to keep giving this each year.

I also want to do my Writing F&SF Stories workshop, and I’ll offer that in the Jan/Feb 2025 timeframe. That will feature six sessions on writing short stories, including writing and critiquing stories.

I’ve switched to a two months on, two months off model, which gives me more time to focus on writing and also helps me replenish my internal extroversion fuel. So I’ll offer one other extended workshop in the May/June period but I’m still figuring out what I want to do with that. Possibilities include:

  • an advanced Writing F&SF Stories workshop
  • a survey class on 20th century F&SF stories that would be reading & discussing multiple stories from a specific era each session
  • a multi-session workshop on increasing emotional depth and complexity in your work
  • a multi-session workshop focusing on literary techniques

I’d also like to do something on teaching writing sometime, but I don’t know if that would be one session or several.

Please tell me what you think. Are these appealing? Is there something you’d like to see me teach? As always, Patreon subscribers will get first chance to sign up for and a discount on these classes.

Moving from Idea to Finished Draft
Moving from Idea to Finished Draft

Fantasy and science fiction writer Cat Rambo shows multiple ways to take a story idea and flesh it out into a complete draft, looking at different ways in which ideas may manifest, such as plot, character, literary device, theme, scene, title, prompt, historical moment, collaboration, tribute to another writer, and more. Each section discusses a specific way an idea can appear, what that provides the writer, pitfalls to watch out for, and possible next steps, along with writing exercises designed to let the reader test each technique and idea and one of Rambo’s stories that started in that way.

Whether you read start to finish or skip around to various sections, this book is designed to fine-tune and amplify your ability to take any idea and make it into a story, taught by one of the finest storyteller teachers working in speculative fiction today.

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Want to get some new fiction? Support my Patreon campaign.
Want to get some new fiction? Support my Patreon campaign.


"(On the writing F&SF workshop) Wanted to crow and say thanks: the first story I wrote after taking your class was my very first sale. Coincidence? nah….thanks so much."

~K. Richardson

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Final Version of the Postcard

So I wanted a postcard to put on con giveaway tables advertising my classes because I’m always trying to scare up new students. I know that once they take one class, they’re very likely to take more from me, which really pleases me, but the trick is getting them into that first one.

Image advertising Cat's classes
Yeah, it's not particularly pro looking, but the colors are bright and pretty, so perhaps a few people will be intrigued enough to pick it up. Note that the postcard itself trims some of the edge off, so what you see here is not entirely representative of the final result.

I had a Vistaprint coupon, so I ended up paying around $40 for 1000 of these. I looked it over pretty thoroughly and made Wayne do the same, but now that I’ve ordered them I’m sure at least one typo will show up. Still, this will give me something I can put out as well as something I can give people when they ask about my classes. Note that I’ve been very 21st century and even included a QR code. I used a Bitly link for that so I’ll be able to track how many people actually use that code (the QR code was Mark’s idea, the bitly URL Wayne’s – see what smart fellows I hang around with?)

One of the things Codex does that I intend to make use of is mailing each other postcards to stick out at cons. I’ve distributed my share, so I’ll try to figure out a couple of conventions that I’m not attending next year where I think they might do well, and then find people attending those who are willing to put something on the giveaway table for me.


Video for the Flash Fiction Class

I’ve been having enough fun with the free version of Powtoons that I’m thinking about upgrading. Here’s a video for the flash fiction that I’m 90% happy with. Please like it or share it if you enjoy it.


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